

Nissan India Extends Warranty, Free Service Perid By 2 Months Due To COVID - 19 Pandemic

Many states in India are under a partial or complete lockdown due to COVID - 19 Pandemic and customers are staying home to flatten curve while the showrooms and service centers are closed. Other car makers like Hyundai, Tata, Honda have already given the customers extended services.

Now, Nissan has also decided to provide extended warranty, Servicing by 2 months.

Nissan India took to twitter to share the update. "We promised to take care and we stand by it. Because we understand that right now staying at home is helping the world become a safer place again. And when things get better, we'll be ready to welcome you back.'', said Nissan India.

As of now, the services are extended for just 2 months. But, in case the lockdown doesn't get over and cases keep arising, then the warranty may further be extended.

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